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Future Fridays with Antibody Analytics

Antibody Analytics is dedicated to supporting young people in STEM through various learning opportunities. We recently welcomed two students from Brannock High School for a four-week work experience placement. Not only are the students looking to achieve an SQA qualification from this, but they'll also get a glimpse into the working world.

Now that the students have completed their placement, we heard from Brannock High Schools' principal teacher of developing the young workforce, Miss Stirling, to find out how the placement will help the students.

“The work experience placements are part of Brannock High School’s Future Friday initiative, where the students are working towards achieving a work experience SQA qualification. Future Friday is a North Lanarkshire initiative that enables young people to participate in a whole host of extracurricular activities on a Friday afternoon to gain real-life experience. The activities range from CV assistance to work experience placements, providing an opportunity for everyone.

“Being able to do my work experience in a lab was great! Throughout my placement, I had the opportunity to get stuck in and take on responsibilities which was quite daunting in the beginning. Working with the team at Antibody Analytics gave me insight into what it’s like to be a scientist and solidified my feelings towards pursuing this as a career in the future.”

- Aneesa Ahmed, Placement Student

“As the students approach their final years at school, thinking about their futures has become more prominent. Several students at Brannock High School have an interest in pursuing further education, specifically in the STEM industry. We were delighted to give them the opportunity to complete their work experience with Antibody Analytics. Throughout the four weeks, Eilidh Kennah worked in the office alongside the team to gain a better understanding of what it's like to work in administration, and Aneesa Ahmed worked as an operation assistant in the lab.

“From start to finish, the work experience with Antibody Analytics created a buzz of excitement around the students, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the warm welcome they received. Having the opportunity to gain industry experience is valuable to our students and allows them to focus on their studies as their goals are closer to reality. 

“My work experience gave me valuable insight into what it’s like to work in admin. I enjoyed learning about the different processes and systems as it gave me more experience and confidence. Working with Antibody Analytics has given me skills I will use going forward.”

-Eilidh Kennah, Placement Student

“When teaching the students and helping them prepare for the future, I ensure that there is equality among both genders. Despite STEM being a male-dominated industry, we are installing the message amongst our female students that they are capable of succeeding in that industry. The diversity of the team at Antibody Analytics gives our female students powerful role models to work alongside, showing them that they can pursue any career. 

“Our goal is to futureproof our young people, providing them with transferrable skills which they can take with them when they leave school. I look forward to continuing work with Antibody Analytics to provide my student with work experience tailored to their future careers.” 

Michahaila Downie
Director of People and Finance
Published: 2022-12-09